Science communication training for researchers:
Planning research communications
It's tempting to only think about communications at the end of a project, but early planning can pay dividends. This training session will help you to plan communications and engagement with audiences and enable your research to have the desired impact. We’ll take you through identifying and shaping those messages, finding the correct target audiences, and finding all the opportunities to engage through the timeline of a project.
You’ll emerge from the session with a basic plan for your work and the support to refine it.
Half day - 3.5 hours
A maximum of eight delegates per Campus PR trainer.
Who is this for?
Anyone active in research – from early career researchers onwards – and research project managers with responsibility for dissemination.
What to expect
Guidance on general principles
Practical exercises
Group discussions and hand-outs
Advice and information to put the skills learned into practice
What you’ll learn
The key elements to consider when putting together a communications plan
How to identify audiences
How to develop clear, tailored messages
How to identify project milestones and plan dissemination around these
Which communications channels and tools are most useful