Science communication training for researchers:

Writing for a lay audience

Person making notes

Researchers are now expected to be able to communicate their work outside academia – but this requires a very different approach and writing style to those used in academic papers or grant bids.

This workshop helps researchers understand how to think about the audience they’re writing for and tailor what they write accordingly. It provides them with the skills needed to write accessible and engaging copy.

Although the focus is on writing for the media or for project websites (blogposts or news items) the skills are transferable to impact statements and lay summaries.


3.5 hours


The course is designed to work with a maximum of eight delegates per trainer.

Who should attend?

Anyone actively carrying out research – from PhD students onwards, although it’s probably less suitable for students in the first year of their PhD.

What to expect

  • Guidance on general principles

  • Practical exercises

  • Analysis of good and bad writing examples

  • Group discussions and hand-outs

  • Advice and information to put the skills learned into practice

What you’ll learn

  • How to identify the audiences for your research to achieve the greatest impact

  • How to translate academic findings into a story of interest to a lay audience

  • The importance of the ‘news triangle’ structure in writing for lay audiences

  • How to write a news story on your research

  • When and how best to use quotations

  • How to ensure your writing is accessible to a wide audience

  • How to improve your writing skills to keep your readers engaged

Our workshops can be delivered online or face-to-face