National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR)- Be Part of Research

Creating accessible content to support clinical study recruitment

Be Part of Research is a website run by the National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR) designed to help people find and volunteer for health and care research trials and studies taking place across the UK. The platform forms part of centralised efforts to support clinical study recruitment for NIHR-funded research.

NIHR web page on six key studies on psoriasis, featuring date, navigation menu, search bar, and article summary discussing the condition, treatment options, and research developments. Decorative illustration included.

The brief

The Be Part of Research website includes content such as news, blogposts and feature articles to draw users into the site, increase their knowledge of and interest in health and care research and – ultimately – to encourage them to sign up to take part in a study.

The NIHR communications teams need a steady stream of content to add to the site to support their clinical study recruitment efforts, and asked Campus PR to help them deliver this.

Our response

We worked with the NIHR to decide on which topics to cover, drawing on popular website search terms, priority areas for NIHR, and looking at the most read formats and subject matters already on the NIHR website.

The topics started out fairly broad, including conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, obesity and multiple sclerosis. We carried out desk research to drill down and select NIHR-funded research studies on each disease or research area that would most likely resonate with their target audiences and pulled these together to create detailed article outlines.

Once these were agreed by the NIHR, we wrote up the full blogpost or article. Sometimes we could draw on already approved copy around each study, but some articles would involve interviewing  the lead researchers involved to gain a fresh perspective and the latest insights.

For each article, our goal was to tell stories about how individual research studies are working to deliver improved ways to prevent, diagnose or treat health conditions, along with the benefits they hope to deliver to communities across the country.

The articles were written to fit NIHR language and style guidelines for public-facing content and clinical study recruitment materials, ensuring they met high standards of accessibility.

Doctor in white coat with stethoscope speaking to a patient across a desk with a laptop and medical container.

The results

We have continued creating clinical study recruitment content for the website since our first articles appeared in 2022, with a total of 21 articles delivered to date. The most recent article was published in August 2024.

The articles have received around 6000 views in total, with some of the most popular being How AI is making is easier to diagnose disease, The history of healthcare research – 350 years of discovery and Six key studies on psoriasis.